March 28, 2022
As the population grows in New Zealand, and there is a need for more intensification in the larger cities, developers, architects and builders are looking for more efficient but safer and more sustainable and long-lasting products to use on their buildings. There are new products and systems being designed worldwide, and old products and systems being replaced with new systems and products. However, aluminium is one product that hasn’t been replaced, this is due to it being one of the most versatile claddings on the market.
So why exactly has aluminium continued to be used as a cladding? In this article, we will outline what we think are the six main reasons aluminium is a great cladding. But before we get too far, we would just like to introduce the different aluminium claddings available. Firstly there is the most commonly known aluminium panel, ACM (aluminium composite material) this is our Indurabond panel, also known as ACP (aluminium composite panel). This is a 4mm thick sheet that has a composite fire rated core that is sandwiched between two layers of aluminium. Then there is the solid aluminium panel that is 3mm thick this is our Induraplate panel, and finally, our unique ALP (aluminium laminated panel) and this is our Induracore G2 panel, this has a pressed aluminium core that is sandwiched between two other layers of aluminium.
All the above panels are fabricated and installed in exactly the same way, and you won’t notice the difference once installed, however each panel has its own particular use. If you would like to find out more, please give us a call on 09 439 4357 or send your question to [email protected].
Now for the content… the 6 reasons we think you should consider aluminium as cladding are listed below:
Thanks to its unique characteristics, aluminium can be cut, folded, drilled, bent, and even perforated without losing its structural integrity. It is also a very safe material to use for any building cladding as it is non-combustible in its solid form. Aluminium when exposed to air creates an oxide coating that protects it from corroding, and therefore will never rust. Aluminium is age-resistant, non-sensitive to UV rays and reflects heat.
Weighing 66% less than steel, aluminium is a light cladding which makes it easier and faster to install, with less weight on the structure.
Aluminium is a naturally occurring element and makes up 8% of the earth’s crust. It is 100% recyclable and is known as a ‘cradle-to-cradle’ material, as it can be continually recycled and manufactured into new products – without losing any of its inherent qualities. Around 70% of aluminium ever mined is still in use today.
A big advantage of using aluminium as a cladding is it needs minimal maintenance to keep it looking new. Other claddings, such as timber, need regular maintenance and can become expensive. Coated with a PVDF paint it can come in multiple colours and finishes which is resistant to UV rays and won’t need to be repainted.
Aluminium is a very malleable metal and can be shaped and bent into many different shapes and sizes that other cladding materials can’t. This is great for architects as it allows them to expand their realm of possibilities when designing a building façade. From traditional designs to contemporary innovations, aluminium gives artistic freedom and flexibility, and it can be coated in an array of different colours and finishes to suit your needs. You can view our colour chart here, or we can colour match or customize to your wants.
In the long-term aluminium is a cost-effective cladding. Due to its speed of installation, lightweight properties, and low maintenance over its lifetime it becomes a cost effective durable and versatile cladding keeping the building safe, dry and looking like new for many years.
If you would like to find out how you can utilize aluminium as a cladding on your project or have any questions, feel free to get in touch and we can help on which product will be most suitable for your project, which colours are available in New Zealand and some indicative pricing for supply and install.
We are passionate about what we do here at Paneltec, and we’d love to hear about how we can help. You can get in touch here: Click Here